1. Operational guides and good practices

Several Network Participants and Sellers on the ONDC Network, are small businesses with limited to no prior experience in e-commerce. Further, the decentralised architecture of the ONDC Network, could make it necessary for even seasoned e-commerce players to have some hand-holding and guidance on how to structure/optimise their operations.


Taking note of this, ONDC - in its role as network-enabler - has prepared a set of educational materials on day-to-day operations for Network Participants and Sellers. These resources are intended to provide Network Participants and Sellers on the ONDC Network with tools and an easy reference material on specific aspects of their businesses, so that they can make the most out of their e-commerce operations.


1.1 Checklists for Seller Network Participants and Sellers

These Checklists are intended to be an easy reference for the Sellers and Seller Network Participants on the key tasks they need to carry out to run their operations efficiently and effectively. The Checklists enumerate the areas that should be monitored and give clear actions to be taken on the basis of that monitoring. The Checklists also explain the likely consequences of not monitoring the indicated areas or not taking the indicated action, in terms of their impact on business.


The Checklists are available in multiple languages for the benefit of Sellers and Seller Network Participants.


Seller Checklists - Downloads



Seller Network Participants (NP) Checklists - Downloads



1.2 Seller Network Participant Handbook


The Seller Network Participant Handbook is intended to provide guidance and best practices to Seller Network Participants (NPs) and help them run their operations efficiently. This Handbook is directed towards Seller Network Participants selling/planning to sell products through ONDC. It is not directed towards sellers of services or the Buyer Network Participants. The Handbook goes into different aspects of running E-commerce operations efficiently including: Seller Onboarding, Cataloguing, Order Management, Packaging, Seller Management, Customer Support, Payments & Settlement, and Taxation.


Read Online



1.3 Resolving edge cases in returns, refunds and cancellations


There are some specific scenarios in relation to refunds/returns/cancellations (“edge-cases”) which are complicated in the context of ONDC's unbundled architecture, as compared to a centralised platform, and may result in disputes. The commercial arrangements and processes in such edge-cases need to be settled to have clarity in Network operations. These edge cases either aren't specifically governed through a law or codified under ONDC policy or Transaction level contract. This document gives guidance  on cost implications for these edge cases.


2. Fraud Risk Management

2.1 Guidance Note on Fraud Risk Management

Outlines the mitigation measures that can be undertaken to tackle fraudulent activity on the network.


2.2 Fraud Risk Universe & Monitoring Mechanism

Outlines various fraud scenarios that could take place on ONDC and the prevention & monitoring methodologies to address them.


3. Network Observability

3.1 Playbook

The Network Observability – Playbook is intended to provide guidance to Network Participants (NP) to familiarize themselves on the usability of the Network Observability Dashboards. Under the broader theme of Network Observability, we are curating automated dashboards to provide Network wide metrics and NP specific insights to increase operational efficiency and aid communication among NPs. The playbook provides a detailed explanation of these metrics and provides guidance on the usability and functionality of these dashboards.


3.2: Video Guide

Network Observability : Introduction

Network Observability : Dashboards Overview


